No one who knows food is meant to be eaten, not just stared at! Below is a picture of something I made that came out very cute looking. Total presentation value.

But guess what. It doesn't mean squat because this meal STUNK!
I mean really bad in a few different ways.
This meal had all the makings of a success: chicken, Velveeta, broccoli and biscuit. I decided to make mini "pot pies" in muffin cups and made 3 hugs mistakes:
1 - Did not season the chicken, which mattered thanks to #2
2 - Did not seal in the biscuit (if it was even possible) because the cheese bubbled up and out of each cup, all over my pan and not at all where I needed it to end up
3 - Paper baking cups don't work for this
So, to make this attempt at food even edible, I melted more cheese (plus milk, plus American) and poured it over everything.
So dearest cooks, if you fail miserably at something, call it a lesson and move the hell on. Because boy oh boy can something so seemingly fool proof go seriously wrong when you get "an idea!" for dinner. This is a very important skill that all cooks must have is to take in stride your rare (in my case) screw up.